Chen Bing Taiji Academy Switzerland | Chen Taiji Bern
In our school we offer daily classes in Chen Taiji.
We teach Fangsongong, Standing, reeling Silk and Hexie and Laojia in every class. Once a month instead of Formtraining, we practise Tui Shou with our students.
There is also a Kids Kungfu class where we teach mixed martial Arts, including Chen Taiji. And once in a week there is a Taiji Qigong class, where we teach Taiji Basics, but no form training.
We have regularly special on Saturdays where we train more intensively Basics, Forms, or Tui Shou.
We also plan to make intensive Chenjiagou Training days, on weekends where everybody can join who wants to work intensively. These trainings are a must for people who are in the teacher training of Chen Bing Taiji Academy Switzerland.
And of course , we are very happy that ShiFu Chen Bing teaches every year in Switzerland. Also Chen Yingjun comes every year to teach at our Taiji School.
We also have some social events and gather together, for christmas, or summerparty or kungfu movie night!