1,同为一门,亲如手足.兄弟姊妹,犹如一家..故所有弟子要珍惜缘份,互敬互爱,尊长爱幼,家和万事兴. (门内团结)
2,专心习拳,一心修悟, 团结门内,尊重门外,不妄自菲薄,不傲慢偏颇,求同存异,宽以待人.(门外友善)
Provisions on Overseas Disciple Apprenticeship:
1. Please submit your application of apprenticeship to Shifu (handwritten, including your personal
circumstances, state of learningtaijiquan, understanding of taijiquan, and the reasons for apprenticing).
2,拜师后,要遵守中国礼仪习惯,无论写信、谈话、打招呼,都要称:“Shi Fu”.,不可以再叫老师的名字。
2. Upon apprenticing, one must comply with Chinese etiquette and customs. Whenever writing letters,
conversing and greeting, address by the name "Shifu" ("Master Teacher"), and the name "Teacher" is no
longer permitted.
3. Honor the master and respect the teachings. Do not engage in any activities undermining the dignity of
master's affiliation and unconducive to the solidarity of master's affiliation.
4. Respect and value all brothers and sisters in the affiliation, help each other, make no judgement on who is
better or worse, and do not quarrel or fight, especially in any public occasion.
5. Respect peers, do not exclude those who hold different views from ours, do not sow discord, do not
participate in deciding right and wrong. Spend time and energy on the legacy and teaching of taijiquan.
6. Study the strengths of various schools. Should you desire to apprentice with other teachers, please first
seek permission from Shifu.
7. Respond to the call of Shifu, unite as one, and make personal contributions to the flourish of Chen
Taijiquan in the world.
8. One must understand that the act of apprenticing does not directly raise your level of taijiquan; that is only
an honor. Therefore do not flaunt, on the contrary, you need to be more diligent, humbly studying and
training to improve your level.
[此贴子已经被作者于2014-09-05 14:17:01编辑过]